Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today I am going to express about ones feeling about vision and how to manage it.........
It may seem like an obvious and easy thing to say: ‘know what your dream is’.
But the truth is many people are not really clear on what it is that they want.
Also, to call your future plans a ‘dream’ is to suggest to your mind that is just
that, a dream, i.e. not real!
To want to be rich is not enough, money won’t magically appear. You need to
know how you are going to achieve that money and to be truly wealthy you
need even more.
I am fond of believing the maxim, do more of what you enjoy. Do more of
what makes you and the people around you happy. Then you are happy and
all the people that are around you are happy. Sounds great, right? The thing
is some people will tell me that they don’t want to go to work tomorrow, or that
they don’t ever want to go to work again, and if they, ‘only do what they enjoy’
they wouldn’t go to work tomorrow, wouldn’t be able to pay the bills etc… nice
idea but it wouldn’t work for me!
The thing I have to remind them is that some things are not immediate. I
explain to them that if they do nothing, this time next year they will still be
doing the same job they don’t enjoy and a year older. But if they decide to do
something about it, this time next year they could be in a position to follow the
maxim: do more of what you enjoy. Unfortunately most people just don’t do
that, they just don’t plan for their future (much beyond what’s on T.V tonight or
their next holiday). Some people do have some longer-term plans, like maybe
a company pension!
However, there are some people who make sure that they have an exact idea
of where they want to be (or how they imagine their life being) in 5 years time.
Being sure in your mind of the things you would like to be doing in five years
time, is something that will make you more like the people who have the most
fun, happiness and success on planet Earth, a person with a clear vision.
If you don’t have an idea of where you would like to be in five years it
probably means that you have never really answered the question. Because
you have probably never taken the time to think about it and then start to
make plans to get there.
So, how do you clarify your vision? First, be grateful for what you have
because you are already wealthy. Like attracts like, if you appreciate the
wealth you have and are thankful for it, you will not only feel instantly
wealthier, you will also attract more wealth.

Think about what you are grateful for, whom, or what in your life right now
makes you most happy, wealthy, passionate and empowered. Write down the
top ten things you are most grateful for right now. As you write them down
think about how they make you feel, recognise those positive feelings.

The next thing that we are going to explore is what it is that really gets you
passionate. What it is you really want to achieve? I want to help you to clarify
your vision. Your vision is just that, it’s yours… there are no set wrong or right
answers, you need to be honest with yourself to be truly wealthy and focus on
what makes you happy.
I have heard people tell me their plans or aspirations for their future but on
questioning it turns out this isn’t what they really want, it isn’t what they are
excited and passionate about. Most of the time it is an “achievable” plan for
their future, limited by negative thoughts on what is “realistic”.

Some level of realism is needed, but people put too many limitations on
themselves which doesn’t help them to realise their true visions and potential.
There are a few things that will help you to plan your future
and clarify your vision. One thing is to adopt a ‘Green
Light / Red Light’ thinking process.
Green Light thinking means coming up with ideas and not
judging them, just coming up with ideas and writing them
all down.
 After a good nights sleep, you then apply ‘Red Light
thinking to your ideas. Go thought it and knock out all of                                        
the things that you didn’t judge when you were writing your
list but are just not appropriate, all the things that led you
on to other thoughts and some of these you will keep and
some of these things you will do.
The idea is to get the critical part of your mind out of the way while you
answer the question. Just thinking about what you would do if you could do
anything and then write it down. Then thinking about ways you would achieve
that. It’s true that most people never do this; it’s also true that most people
work for someone else for their whole life. The people who choose to do these
kinds of things are the people who generally tend to work for themselves.
Coincidence? I don’t think so!

Not more today ...........
See you next time for more recourse ............

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